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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letting Go

Just bought 500 days of Summer. I love it, but at the same time its beautifully depressing, like Zach Braff movies. It looks at a "1st love" or a 1-sided "1st love" relationship and the eventual destruction w/ a girl name Summer.
I laughed, I cried, (and I write cliches). I was walking up stairs to bed that night and thought man (SPOILER ALERT) if the days don't stop counting til your focus starts on another relatinship and I haven't been in a relationship in I don't know how long...does that mean my days are still counting w/ the ex? A voice inside my head said, "No, you have your relationship with Jesus!" I laughed outloud at my self. What a sunday school answer!!! But then I realized, no I really do have him and don't have to count 1bijillion days of ______ or however it was. (Thank you Lord once again I have no idea...it's such a ahh sense of calm knowing that I don't know!)
I put the relationship on the cross about 3 times after it was over. Doesn't work the 1st time? Yeah, but I kept dragging the memories back, or as one friend pointed out "You use the memories as your relationship" but finally I was like JESUS PLEASE TAKE THIS AND DON'T LET ME HAVE IT BACK IT'S EXHAUSTING HOLDING ON TO!!!! And he did. I laugh, it's almost like the song "you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you" And I'm saying "i'm so over it, but I need to blog to let you know I'm over it" But I can honestly say no...I am over it cause my friend Jesus took it from me, carried the load, and now "my chains are gone, I've been set free". Thank you Lord, You rock!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I was trying to descibe how I've been feeling lately. The best word is "comfy". I am so at ease moving into 2010. I love this feeling of peace and joy I've had recently. Spent 10days @ home around the holidays. Didn't get to see everyone, yet saw some people by suprise. The most important thing I got was rest and reflection. And just some good times...every morning I woke up to have coffee w/ Papaw. He had to have surgery while I was home and he made it through. All my mom's siblings were rushing to the hospital to sit in the waiting room and wait while he was put under. The Thursday before the surgery my bro and I took my Papaw and our Uncle Larry to the tavern. Now this is not out of the ordinary for my Papaw. My Papaw loves to shoot pool and drink a beer, and my Uncle Larry (who has downs) loves tavern food. But Thursdays is special because Papaw's living brothers meet him to shoot pool @ a local VFW. Whenever I'm home I drive them and have chickenstrips and "a beer w/ my uncles" as my Great-Uncle Jack insists. They reminice and sometimes I get a few shots of pool in myself. They lost Billy, my Papaw's oldest living brother in August, but they still meet. Well this Thursday Lee came, but the brothers didn't make it. Lee, Papaw & I played some cut throat while Larry enjoyed his "2 fish." This is rambling, but I was having a good time. Lee looked @ me and said, "This sure beats sitting in a hospital waiting for him to wake up, this is what its about." Boy is he right.
I had some great times while I was home: time w/ Papaw & family, suprising a cousin I didn't think I'd get to see, seeing Travis play his awesome music, and catching up w/ old college friends.

I guess the other recent new years I walked into w/ what I was missing, whether it was a lost relationship, or a lost way, or just as exhausted as I was ending it.

I'm truly thankful for my low key visit and being able to not walk into 2010 w/ emotional baggage. To be comfy where God has saved me from, where he's put me now and excited for the adventures I feel in my soul are coming.