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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update Schmupdate

I've been wanting to get back to blogging for awhile. I look at my blog, realize it's been forever and then don't know what or how to begin (much like my exercise routine). I looked back and realized I've never set up my blog- there is no clear direction. So maybe I'll start there. My family's nickname for me is Breeze. I'm a follower of Jesus, a teacher, a dancer, an actor, and a complete goofball with a coffee, coca-cola, and probably a TV addiction. I love to travel, road trip, laugh, read, write, watch football or baseball (depending on the season), and be with family and friends. I live 770 miles from home and though I'm blessed with a great family and have no huge family issues and wish I could be closer, I also realize I'm right where I need to be and I love the life I have. I live to collect and share stories. That's a bit about me. I'm just trying to balance it all out. Hence- "Balancing Breeze." So there isn't a clear direction, because I'm not sure what every day brings. But I'm definitely enjoying the ride.