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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update Schmupdate

I've been wanting to get back to blogging for awhile. I look at my blog, realize it's been forever and then don't know what or how to begin (much like my exercise routine). I looked back and realized I've never set up my blog- there is no clear direction. So maybe I'll start there. My family's nickname for me is Breeze. I'm a follower of Jesus, a teacher, a dancer, an actor, and a complete goofball with a coffee, coca-cola, and probably a TV addiction. I love to travel, road trip, laugh, read, write, watch football or baseball (depending on the season), and be with family and friends. I live 770 miles from home and though I'm blessed with a great family and have no huge family issues and wish I could be closer, I also realize I'm right where I need to be and I love the life I have. I live to collect and share stories. That's a bit about me. I'm just trying to balance it all out. Hence- "Balancing Breeze." So there isn't a clear direction, because I'm not sure what every day brings. But I'm definitely enjoying the ride.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

At least there's coffee...

Last night I think I cooked the WORST dinner ever. I need to remember, when I make recipes I don't like, I should not freeze them and then later combine them hoping for a delightful dinner- doesn't work.
When I was on a vegan kick I made a fresh marinara with no preservatives and no taste. I thawed that out and added chicken sausages I bought when I was on another healthy kick and did not enjoy. I ruined what little spaghetti (which I usually don't even enjoy) I had with the sauce. Dinner was a bust and I could not even make myself eat it. I'll go with out I thought!
My excellent neighbor-friend called to discuss ridiculous boys in our lives- I know, could the night get any better? She was heading home from Wilmington and needed something comforting and thought she'd bring me some to for our couch time.
And it was:

(Thanks http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Port.City.Java.301-790-5040 for the picture!)
COFFEE!!! And not just any coffee, my FAVORITE iced coffee- a caramello leche or carmel machiatto if you're a starbucks frequenter. What a sweet, sweet drink to go with conversation with such a thoughtful, sweet, sweet friend! This completely made up for dinner (and probably the calories of it too!!!) There's always an upside...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This should be an update...

This should be an update, I hadn't realize it's been since November since I blogged. However, to my 1 follower (Thanks Kristi), sorry- still don't have time for an update.
I waned to tweet this, but school has now blocked Twitter and I can't remember my username anyways.
When I just thought there was no good news in the world!!! http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/5-health-reasons-to-not-quit-coffee-2460820/ :)

However I don't think my links are working :(....oh well, back to work.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My day off

Days off are few and far between for me. This Veteran's day I had the day off and decided I wasn't doing anything that had to do with school. Here's the sum of my bliss.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Save Blue Like Jazz

So here's the deal. I am a huge fan of Donald Miller's books. He writes so real, not romanticizing the Christian experience, just being realistic. The last book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years talks about trying to get his other book Blue Like Jazz into a movie and basically inspires people to live better stories. I was really excited, as a friend said, "If you recommend a book as a Christian book most people won't pick it up, but if you drag them to a movie they'll sit through it." Well- due to funding, the movie got canned, yet 2 fans from Tennessee said NO and have started a campaign to raise the money. In only 4 days they've raised 49% of the $125,000. That's crazy!!! That's what happens when God's people move!!! Please support this project, its near to my heart. Even a $1 will help the cause!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

I love my Dad

My dad is awesome. I could have 100 blogs filled w/ stories of how blessed I am with a great earthly father. That is a big reason I understand God as my heavenly father.
I had a 2hr delay today and my phone rang during my planning...why is Dad calling? He knows I'm in school!!!
He wanted me to hear the radio, "Daddy let me drive" by Alan Jackson. Just called to say he loved me! :)
I am lucky to be his daughter!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting Control

I need to preface this post by saying I truly believe in God. Jesus is my Lord and has a good plan for me. However, am I just to sit and wait? There are some things I can control.
I need to keep the communication lines open between me and God, not just my prayer life, but in daily Bible reading- soaking up the word. I am now going to be better keeping up my end of my relationship with God. I'm dedicating myself to a reading plan and joining a lifegroup with women because I feel I really need strong women around me (I have plenty at home but that's 700+ miles away).
I need to get my weight under control.
I can control what food I have in my house.
I can control whether I exercise or not.
I am going to start taking control of what I can so I'm not spinning out of control.
And Lord- you can have all the rest!!!

So Goal for this week- not only will I dedicate to daily bible study (I'm starting w/ 30 days into Psalms & Proverbs) but I am going to get my eating habits under control.

"A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.- Francis Bacon"